Calling (2000)


DVD | 3:20 loop

Video projection with sound

In Calling the uniformed character replicates and, together with her electronic clones, marches across the desolate lunar landscape. The reproduction is a function of the character, whose costume, movement, and multiplication, as well as withholding of visual or audio narrative development through a minimal repetitiveness, positions her as an avatar and as a consequence of the encounter of the figure with technology. Encircling the planet the character is caught up in a feedback loop, as if programmed to continually repeat a set of gestures. Motion is interrupted at precise points where she falls, simulating a ‘hit’, virtual death and sleep all at once. After the pause the character(s) revives and continues the endless pattern.

  • Collaboration with Frédérick A. Belzile
  • Camera: Bruno Martel
  • Sound Design: Martin Hurtibuse
  • Image Source: NASA and JPL
  • Funding: Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
  • Production support: PRIM Video production